Matthew Walter

1 minute read

A friend introduced me to Devember yesterday, and I’ve decided to hop on. Devember is a personal goal of spending an hour a day coding for the month of December, with public accountability.

I’ll have a public record on GitHub with some code samples as I create them as well as a daily log of my efforts.

The proclamation:

I, Matthew Walter, will participate to the next Devember. My Devember will be working with Python and Go. I promise I will program for my Devember for at least an hour, every day of the next December. I will also write a daily public devlog and will make the produced code publicly available on the internet. No matter what, I will keep my promise.

I’m going to be doing odds and ends of script glue and things that interest me, as well as tinkering with a scorecard application I’d like to see in the real world.

Day one, without even realizing it, I wrote up a script to add hosts to New Relic alerting so my team could stop doing it manually.